
Name of the language

Nåm vodar zung




Total number of speakers

Biavl laüt ren di zung

1,072 – Census 2011

1,072 – Zelom 2011

Regulated by

Gereglt vo

Provincial and regional laws, autonomy Statute of Trentino-Südtirol region, national law nr 482/1999.

‘Provintziàl un Redjonàl Gesetz. (Redjonàl Statùtt vodar Trianar un Südtirolar Redjong) Natzional Gesetz n. 482/1999.

Geographical area

Bodase vinnt di mindarhait

In the south east of the Province of Trento, Italy (Trentino-Südtirol and Veneto regions).

Im Südosten vo dar Trianar Provìntz, Beleschlånt (Trianar un Südtirolar Redjong un Venedege Redjong).

Language family

Vo bo ‘z ståmpta abe di zung



Status of the language

Status vodar zung

Official on the minority language territories and in the public administration at regional and provincial level.

‘Z iz di haupzung von lånt vo Lusérn, di zung iz o ginützt in di briavan vodar Rdjong un vodar Provìntz un in Kultutinstitut Lusérn.

Status at the University

Status in di Universität



Fields of use

Bo ‘z khinta genütz di zung

Administration, education, media and leisure.

In di briavan vodar Rdjóng un vodar Provìntz, in Khindargart, in ünsarne media (TV un atn “Fodjo vo Lusérn”un aftn “TRENTINO”) un in di fraitzait.

Member of the NPLD

Full member: Province of Trento 

Year of source

‘ågenump ‘z djar


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